Choose top-quality H-Go products for the best reliability!
Manufactured and packaged in our own distribution centre, our wide range of H -Go products will meet all your automotive needs.
Windshield washer fluid
With our H-Go windshield washer fluid, clean your windows effectively, with no danger to your vehicle’s body. Available in a 3.79-litre format and in bulk via self-serve. A bonus: our self-service windshield washer fluid tanks eliminate more than 40,000 plastic containers every year!
Add our H-Go coolants to your recreational vehicle (diesel, gasoline or natural gas engine). They meet the most stringent manufacturer requirements.
Chain oil
Protect and lubricate your chains with this tough, resistant H-Go lubricant that won’t drip.
Degrease and clean your mechanical parts and other components using our H-Go solvents. Also safe for the food sector.