The situation at Canada Post may impact the delivery of paper statements and other documents. You can use the Customer Portal and login to your account at and stay up-to-date with payments, manage your accounts, and easily switch from paper to online statements. You can also call us for more information.

Cardlock network

Refuel your trucks at any time at one of our automated diesel stations, with the Énergies Express Cardlock card or the Esso Key to the Highway card.

Discover our commercial network

24/7 high-output stations for trucks and heavy-duty vehicles.

  1. Cardlock network

    Be completely self-sufficient at one of our 24-hour automated Cardlock stations. Use the Énergies Express Cardlock card or Esso Key to the Highway card to refuel your truck quickly and easily. The express solution for your diesel fill-up!

    App Store    Google Play


  2. Énergies Express card

    Our network has a number of service stations tailored to commercial transport fleets. With the Énergies Express card, you can buy fuel at our commercial sites or our unattended 24-hour automated stations.

    Order your card  
  3. Esso Key to the Highway card

    The Esso Key to the Highway card gives you access to market-adapted pricing, and an extensive network of Cardlock stations across Canada. The card can be used at all Key to the Highway stations and Harnois automated stations.

    Order your card